Wednesday 16 May 2018

Vigo University Campus


 My semester in Galicia was almost over. After my Granma had left Vigo for her flight back to Ireland, my mother and I emptied my room, packed and had one last walk around the beautiful mountain campus

 The architecture of the University of Vigo really is remarkable: that way it is so unique and daring, and works with its unusual setting and the nature surrounding it.

 There are walkways between the buildings' roofs, meaning you can cover a lot of the campus in the air. I normally commuted on ground-level, but at night I would sometimes sit on the walkway and look at the very clear stars.

Spot the cat

This building is like a ship sailing through the hills and trees

This reminds me of Chinese architecture

 We walked through one of the glass aerial tunnels that link some of the buildings. They are held high off the ground by the thinnest of poles, and the views are stunning.

 We arrived at my school, the Faculty of Philology and Translation. It consists of a main building with a nice canteen and library, three glass pavilions, and the Isaac Newton Building, in whose computer room I spent a lot of time after my laptop stopped working.  

 The Faculty is surrounded by greenery and flowers, and I would frequently see little birds and lizards darting around. It was lovely, and I knew I was going to miss it.

Inside one of the pavilions. They are so open and airy

 I said goodbye to the Faculty and my mother and I returned to my residence to finish packing. The next day we would get a taxi to the airport, to fly home. I was very grateful to have had the chance to study in such a beautiful and friendly place.

 Thanks for reading.

 Liz x

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